Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lecture 9

So this week was Jason's last lecture which was quite disappointing. The dude is pretty damn funny and lets face it a little of the planet in the best possible way. So anyway this lecture was all about how to teach yourself software and was told in a 15 step trial. Wow that just sounded a lot like a proactive commercial.

Step 1 - Figure out what is needed to be done and the best way to do it.
Step 2 - Explore and figure out other software.
Step 3 - Is learning software in a few days possible?
Step 4 - It may take much longer.
Step 5 - Play and experiment with the software.
Step 6 - There will be similar feature that you know of around 10% - 15% from using other programs.
Step 7 - SAVE WORK! Save at every step.
Step 8 - Use 'help'
Step 9 - You will realize that 'help' is useless and made for more advanced users.
Step 10 - Search in different places e.g. google and find specific sites with key words.
Step 11 - Ask questions through forums.
Step 12 - Tutorial books and videos are okay, use them but don't pay for them.
Step 13 - No course is necessary - all you need to know is in steps 1 through 12 above.
Step 14 - Software is constantly replaced - when you just learn it a new one will come out.
Step 15 - Content is vital. When something you make is easy it will be easy for others to make as well. Make sure to learn more and constantly update your knowledge.